The Local Masjid and Education Centre bringing positive initiatives for the community

Listen Holy Quran

Masjid offering daily Salah and weekly Jumu'ah. Regular islamic courses, events and gatherings are also organised.


Evening classes for children aged 3+. Focusing on delivering a tailored syllabus which has core Islamic studies aswell as aspects of social wellbeing and tackling modern day issues.


Unique Play and Pray madrasa setup for children in Nursery and Reception


Our unique and interactive marriage website. Maintaining traditional values whilst using a modern approach.

Upcoming Event

Our Guidance

Madani Masjid operates under the guidance of Hazrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Ayyoob Ashrafi Shamsi Sahib (Son in law Huzoor Sadrul ulama Imam unahv Allama Mufti Sayyad Shah Ghulam Jeelani Muhaddis e Merthi) who is amongst those scholars who have devoted their lives to preaching Islam. He is highly recognised as the Khalifa of Huzoor Shaikhul Islam; Syed Muhammad Madani Miyan Sahib Ashrafi Jilani.He is a mureed of Hazrat Shaikh ul Mashaikh Syed Muhammed Mukhtar Ashraf Jilani Kitchhochhvi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alayh).

Pillars of Islam

  • Shahadah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Zakat
  • Hajj
Taking the necessary steps for the future
New Vision

Taking the necessary steps for the future

Community Initiatives

The additional space creates opportunities' for new positive initiative's to help the comm...

Unlock Madrasa

Currently our Madrasa Illume Education is thriving and run across two sites.  The new visi...

Increase Salah Space

With growing population, the increase size allows for extra space during Ramadan and Jumua...

Womens Activities

Unlock the ability to host more events and classes for women.  The new 1st floor extension...

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